Sitemap - 2023 - The Seneca Effect

Happy New Year with Leonardo da Vinci

The Empress of Christmas Past. A Message of Hope from Long ago

All Power to the Demented. Propaganda as a Senile Illness of Society

Stagnating Science and Disillusioned Scientists. A Personal Story.

Croesus's Mistake. How Predictions on the Future of Humankind can Backfire

Censorship on the Web. Can Substack Beat Google?

How not to Govern the Commons. The Reasons of 50 Years of Failures

The Mind of Ozymandias: Who are our Leaders?

The Normalization of Evil. It has Already Happened, it is Happening now.

The Decline of the West According to Seneca

On the Brink of WWIII? Estimating the Probability of a new Large Conflict

The Only Good Trojan is a Dead Trojan. When did the Age of Exterminations Start?

The Fall of Ozymandias. The Last Gasps of a Dying Empire

What do the Rich Have in Mind? First, Their own Survival

Peak civilization: how the Roman empire collapsed

The Babel Tower of Science.

The Shale Oil "Miracle" Explained. Could it be Done Again?

The Most Amazing Graph of the 21st Century: How the Empire is Striking Back!

The Parallel Lives of Galileo Galilei and Sherlock Holmes

The Suicide of the Valkyrie. The Story of Adolf Hitler's British Lover

Renewables are not a cleaner caterpillar, they are a new butterfly. A Discussion with Dennis Meadows

What if Lemmings had a King? Practical Uses of Monarchy

Is the Energy Transition Feasible? The Future as a Garden of Forking Paths

The Rise of Elly Schlein: How a Young, Woke, and Fashionable Politician is Shaking up Politics in Italy, and Perhaps Worldwide

When Science Fails: Surrogate endpoints and wrong conclusions

Why did America Collapse? Mommy Knows

Another Epochal Failure of Humankind. How people are losing interest in the things that threaten them the most.

A new dichotomy: nation states vs. the "one planet" movement

Is Science Becoming the Library of Babel?

What's Wrong With Science? Mostly, it is how we Mismanage it

Why we Can't Change Anything Before it is Too Late.

Flattening the Curve. The Origins of a Bad Idea

The Revolution That Comes from Detroit: Car Tailfins are Back!

The Worst Model in History: How the Curve was not Flattened

Fighting Shadow-Banning. The Seneca Blog Lands on Substack

Putin Must Die! How to make sure that the war will not end soon

How Forests Create Rain: a New Study on the Effect of Evapotranspiration

Are the Evil Gods Returning? Or is Evil is Inside us?

Those Pesky Savanna Monkeys and Their Dreams of Golden Hydrogen

The Return of Oracles. A New Epistemic Revolution is Coming

Aramis: the transportation system that never was

TEOCAWKT: The end of cars as we know them?

The Failure of Scientific Journals: the Failure of Science

How to Create your own Shadow Government: why Worshiping Baphomet could be a Good Idea

Ugo Bardi: Traitor to Catastrophism. (or, why collapse is not an event, but a process)

The Age of Exterminations: How to Kill a Few Billion People

The attack on Western Europe: you cannot win a war if you don't understand that you are fighting one.

A Post for the New Year: Do we Still have a Chance to Avoid Collapse?