Ah, young Willie McBride, I can't help wonder why
Do those that lie here know why did they die
And did they believe when they answered the call
Did they really believe that this war would end war?
For the sorrow, the suffering, the glory, the pain
The killing, and the dying was all done in vain...
For, young Willie McBride, it all happened again
And again, and again, and again, and again
Eric Bogle – “The Green Fields of France”
You see it happening all around you. It even has a name; it is called “emotional numbing.” Once your perception is saturated with horrific images, you don’t react anymore. Cadavers strewn along a street? The bombing of hospitals, universities, and apartment blocks? People burned by white phosphorous? Women, children, the elderly? You just shrug; it is the way wars are. They are a form of pest control. When the bad-smelling, bloody phase is over, everything will be better.
Evil feeds on itself; it is known; it is part of the way complex systems work, even though they don’t normally have a parameter labeled as “evil” in the equations describing them. You start from a small perturbation that soon becomes large enough to be called a war. And then, things go out of control, and everyone is fighting everyone else in another just war that will end all wars, but that will occur only when someone declares that the desert they created should be called “peace.” Tacitus wrote that long ago. Truly, there is nothing new under the sky.
We are right now at what looks like the start of a new cycle of extermination. One step after the other, right into a new world war. This time, Tacitus’ desert could well be radioactive and last for thousands of years, maybe hundreds of thousands. And all that for a piece of land that will be soon made uninhabitable by global warming. What a piece of work is man!
To describe more in detail how these things happen, here is a post that I published on the old Seneca site two years ago. It tells the story of how Italy became involved in the Great War without any reason, any logic, any need. The same kind of progression of events describes what’s happening now, small events gang up to create large ones. I think it is time to repropose it (with some minimal editing). If you can read Italian, I suggest to you this post by Miguel Martinez, who comments on a text by Vernon Lee that tells you a good lesson about system dynamics applied to the maximization of bloodshed.
The Age Of Exterminations (II) -- How to Exterminate the Young
In 2018, I published a book titled The Shadow Line of Memory. It was the biography of an Italian intellectual, Armando Vacca, who did his best to argue for peace at the beginning of the Great War, trying to avoid that Italy would get involved in a madness that he knew would end in a disaster. He was ignored and punished by being sent to the most dangerous frontline of that time, where he survived for no more than a couple of weeks. That book led me to study the story of how propaganda managed to win the hearts and minds of the Italians in 1914-15, resulting in Italy joining the war. The ensuing disaster is not usually listed as an "extermination," but the Italian losses amounted to close to one-third of the young men of military age at that time. If this was not an extermination, what was it? And I think there were deep reasons for it to occur. So, I thought I could propose this story to you now. You may find something in it that may help you understand a few apparently unrelated things that are happening nowadays.
The power of propaganda is immense. It is so strong because people don't realize that they are embedded in it, and the things that propaganda makes them do look like the most natural and obvious ones. It was Baudelaire who said, "The devil's best trick is to convince people that he does not exist."
So, here is a story of a triumph of propaganda: how it convinced most Italians in 1914-15 that it was a good idea to go to war against their neighbors, the Austrians, in one of the greatest follies of history. The one that our ancestors called, rightly, "The Great War."
It all started when, in July 1914, a Serbian madman shot an Austrian Archduke. That caused Austria to send an ultimatum to Serbia, and then invade it. Then, the Great Powers of the time to attack each other in a sort of large-scale domino game. Austria attacked Serbia, Germany attacked France, Britain supported France, Russia attacked Austria, and more.
And Italy? It is a story poorly known outside Italy, but interesting for many reasons. Italy at that time was a nation of peasants; its economy was weak, and its military power was small. Sometimes, it was called the "proletarian nation," in contrast with the Northern "plutocracies," Britain and others. Italy was poor, but secure inside its borders, protected by the sea and by the Alps. No need to go to war against anyone.
True, Italy had a grudge against Austria that had to do with some lands at the border that Italians believed were part of Italy and that were instead under Austrian jurisdiction. But Austria was already fighting on two fronts, Russia and Serbia. Its government surely would concede something to Italy rather than risk opening a third front. There is evidence that, indeed, Austria offered Italy to return part of these lands in exchange for Italy remaining neutral.
Yet, less than one year after the start of the Great War, Italy joined the Allied Powers and was at war with Austria. It was one of the most impressive examples in history of how propaganda can affect an entire nation. An avalanche of hate that engulfed everyone and everything.
When, in 1914, some people started claiming in the press that Italy should attack Austria, their statements looked unreal, silly. What mad idea was that? Italy was not a great power: it had no interests to defend, no empire to create, no threat to fear. It had everything to gain by remaining neutral. The government was against the war. The Socialists were appalled at the idea that the Italian workers would fight their comrades from other countries. The Catholics couldn't accept the idea of a Catholic country, Italy, attacking another Catholic country, Austria. It just made no sense.
But the war party refused to listen. Slowly, the voices for war increased in volume and diffusion. It was an asymmetric struggle: on one side, there was reason; on the other, emotion. And, as usual, emotion beats reason. Italy, it was said, cannot afford to lose this occasion to show the bravery of its citizens. The idea of negotiations with Austria was rejected with incredible vehemence. Italians, it was said, do not ask for what is theirs; they take it! Blood, yes, there was to be blood. It is a good thing: blood is sacred; it must be spilled for the good of the country!
When I was writing my book on this story, I spent much time reading the Italian newspapers of 1914-1915. I knew that hidden forces were pushing for war; both the British and the Germans were financing papers and journalists to argue for Italy to join one or the other side. But the mere effect of money was lost in a sea of madness that was fascinating and horrifying at the same time. I got the distinct impression of an evil force rising. It seemed to me that I was reading of the return of ancient rituals, rites involving bloody human sacrifices. Especially impressive was the story of a young Catholic intellectual, Giosué Borsi, who became so intoxicated with propaganda that he came to believe that it was God's will that he should kill Austrians. He volunteered and survived for just a few days in the trenches. Truly, it was as if a malevolent entity was masterminding the whole thing. Maybe evil Chthonic deities do exist?
Incredibly, this wave of evil engulfed the Italian newspapers of the time. The Socialists ceased to oppose the war, and some of their leaders, such as Benito Mussolini, switched to the side promoting it. The Catholics, too, gradually joined the voices of those who were arguing for war, apparently believing that contributing to the war effort would give them more political power. During the "Radiant May" of 1915, young Italians marched in the streets to request that the government send them to die. And the government complied, declaring war on Austria on May 24th.
And the opponents? Those evil pacifists who had tried to argue against war? They were insulted, denigrated, and finally silenced. The war party convinced everybody that Italy had not just one enemy, but two. An external enemy, Austria, and an internal enemy, the pacifists. They were the Austria-lovers, the spies, the traitors, the monsters who menaced the Italian people with their dark machinations. They were also smelling bad, they were dirty, and they ate disgusting food. When the war started, it was the time of reckoning for them. No more excuses: if they were of military age, they had to enlist in the army.
We have no direct proof that there was a specific policy to send pacifists to die in the most dangerous areas of the front. But we know that it was what happened to some of them, including Armando Vacca, the person whose biography I wrote in my book. Instead, those on the other side of the debate were privileged. Mussolini, for instance, was sent to a quiet area of the frontline. From there, he emerged slightly wounded by the malfunctioning of an Italian artillery piece, and with the fame of a war hero.
We know what was the result of this folly: summing up direct casualties, the dispersed, and the wounded, Italy suffered more than two million losses, about a third of the males of military age at that time (as a bonus, add some 600,000 losses among civilians). Austria suffered similar losses. You don't want to call it an extermination? If not, what was it?
The power of propaganda is well known, but there are many ways for it to appear. In the case of the United States, we know that, in 1917, the American government decided to intervene in the Great War to protect its investments in Europe. That implied creating and financing a propaganda campaign to convince the American public. The campaign involved creating the "Committee for Public Information," possibly the first Government propaganda agency of the 20th century. The techniques the committee developed were imitated many times in later history, especially by the German Nazis.
How about in Italy? We have evidence that Mussolini's campaign for war was financed by some Italian financial lobbies, people who wanted to make a profit out of the war. The British secret service also financed it. But, on the whole, there was nothing similar to the Committee for Public Information. So, how could the pro-war propaganda be so successful?
I came to think that there was a reason for the extermination of so many young men. It was because the Italian society wanted to exterminate them.
Of course, it was not planned, it was never mentioned, and, most likely, it was not even a thought that was entertained by those who pushed so enthusiastically for war. But the human mind functions in subtle ways, and very little of what it does is because of some rational chain of concepts.
Why do people kill? Most often, they kill what they are afraid of. So, could Italians be afraid of their own young? It could be. I came to think that it was, actually, likely.
Go see the population curve of Italy before WWI. It is a nearly perfect pyramid. At that time, Italy had about 6 million males of military age, about 15% of the Italian population. What were these young men doing? What were they thinking? What did they want? Those who were in power at that time had good reasons to think that they would want their share of the national wealth.
Indeed, those were times of social and economic tensions, with Socialism and Communism claiming that a popular revolution would bring all the power to the people. And who would revolt against the current order if not those young men? Then, it made sense to get rid of as many of them as possible by sending them to die in great numbers in those remote mountains.
As a strategy, it could have backfired. It did in Russia, where the result of WWI was that Communism took power. In Italy, the years after the war saw a Communist revolution nearly starting, but it was quelled by the ascent of Fascism. As always, history is not made with "ifs." What had to happen, happened.
Whatever the cause, the great wheel of history started moving in 1914, and it didn't care who was going to be squashed into a pulp under it. Maybe the ancient Chthonic Gods of war were driving that wheel. Maybe they still exist, even though nowadays they seem to have taken different forms. Propaganda, for sure, can still do its job with the same methods: denigrate, demonize, insult, and scare people. It works. You can see it at work right now.
Hello Ugo and commentators. I attempted to restack this piece along with the noah opinion article on the aging population of the middle east here on substack.com.
I probably failed at that (I don't understand Substack).
His point was the Israel Palestine war will probably not spread to the other surrounding countries b/c they have older populations. Some do, but not all. Egypt and much of Northern Africa is quite young. Eastern Europe also.
I think these will be hard conflicts to contain , irregardless of the ages, b/c of the long history of the conflicts involved and the energy crunch.
The Ukraine and Palestine both have fossil fuel (oil and gas) reserves while Russia and Israel are both nuclear powers.