The value of Greenland doesn't depends on its mineral ressources only. But also on its strategic position near new sea lanes between Asia and the Atlantic. Pretty much the same as Panama incidentally.

And actually, it looks like there will be a deal. At least, it seems to be Trump's idea. Russia would get the Donbass (and maybe the Odessa area on top of it) and Poutine will let Trump get Greenland. Of course, Europe, with its exhausted economy and its pile of debt, will not have a choice in the matter.

By the way, Zelensky has already understood where the whole thing is going. He declared that Ukraine will not support any American pretention on Greenland. As if anyone asked him his opinion...

Of course, the USA will not buy Greenland the way they bought Louisiana or Alaska. With a price tag and all. Europe will get an export tax deal it won't be able to refuse and/or a nice discount on US weapons, on natgaz or whatever. Then US companies will be allowed to do whatever they want in Greenland and will be backed by strong and unchallenged military presence monitoring naval activities. And soon enough, Greenland will look pretty much like the Samoa or Puerto Rico (some kind of protectorate instead of a new state because it would mean 2 senators for only 50 000 people).

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Yes, deals to be done, and assets to be grabbed for over-leveraged global finance.

Lose Ukraine assets, don't admit it yet, snatch Greenland assets, admit loss of Ukrainian assets...

Also, Trump can do what Reagan did when the American Marines were bombed in Lebanon>> Invade Grenada!

Look! A squirrel!

It worked...

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By that time, oil as a source of liquid fuels will be as obsolete as coal for steam locomotives.

hahahahhahaha ... that's meant to be a joke... right?

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See you in 20 years from now!

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What will we be using instead of oil to fuel civilization in 10 years?

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Electricity. Or donkeys.

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hi ugo is gaya herrington from the club of rome believable when she says we have still 5 years left before civilization collapse ?

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She loves donkeys

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what do you mean ugo that gaya is wrong that we could collapse this year than ? or do you mean that i am a donkey ?

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Here is something else to ponder:

​Kyle Young presents clear video evidence with analysis: A Forensics Examination of Video Evidence for DEW's (directed energy weapons) Being Used in the L.A. fires

So LAFD abandoned Palisades. As the smoke became overwhelming HPM’s (high power microwave weapons) must have been used. Here is another video from Fabian of what the abandoned cars look like now. Note all the slag that ran from the melted engine blocks and wheels, and the unburned trees. It got hot enough to melt metal in cars sitting in the middle of the street, away from the “wildfire”, but not hot enough to burn the trees in the middle of the wildfire!?

This was no wildfire. This was HPM’s being used to steal real estate and enrich car dealers. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/a-forensics-examination-of-video

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My bet is that nothing will be more valuable than oil (gaz, coal and wood being right behind).

But it doesn't mean it will be valuable enough to be able to extract it from icy Greenland...

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The identified oil is off the coast, so like North Sea oil, in that regard. They have not allowed drilling yet.

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The American West was built on hopes and dreams that turned out to be illusory. In Idaho, local museums have walls papered with worthless stock certificates. If a mine ran out of money, promoters started public relations campaigns emphasizing new, incredibly valuable discoveries. When news of those discoveries reached European and American stock markets, new capital built new mines and new mills and smelters, many of which never produced an ounce of metal.

Without a few big discoveries, such as the Comstock Lode and the North Idaho silver deposits, the entire endeavor would have registered as a loss. Today the West is littered with the ruins of dreams.

You can read about the self-deceptive culture that built them in Mark Twain’s Roughing It, which gives a good overview of human avarice and the various scams it generates.

I include tourism in the latter category.

Greenland is cold, and will remain cold for some centuries, despite global warming. Equipment and labor in a below-freezing environment cost four to five times as much, which will wipe out profit margins for all but the richest deposits of oil and rare earths. No food crops will grow there, and the only forest that survives there is a curated grove of trees on the island’s southern tip.

Greenland’s strategic location will become worthless in an era of sea-drone warfare, which, should it ever begin, will quickly bring shipping to a stop.

It is difficult for people in temperate climates to understand the effort and expense required to just keep warm in an Arctic climate. The abandoned American base in Greenland, with its still-radioactive reactor wastes, is a vision of the fate of industrial activity on and in ice.

An American takeover of Greenland would be a boondoggle, an exponential-scale recapitulation of Trump’s casino ventures.

I’ve been to Greenland, assessing the practicality of a ski resort on one of the western islands. There was plenty of snow, but our snow-cat disappeared into a glacial crevice on its way to pick us up. It’s a dangerous place, full of pitfalls and cursed with lethal weather.

Denmark has lost a lot of money on the place, and would probably happily give it up if they didn’t have to give it up to Trump.

As for conspiracy theories involving energy weapons, I have yet to see one that won’t yield to Occam’s Razor. Aluminum wheels and engine blocks will melt in the flame of the plastic and rubber in any modern automobile.

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Scams are a typical features of mining. The latest one is that of "Gold" hydrogen -- I wonder how people can fall so easily for these things.

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As to Trump being the brain behind this, I doubt it. His Prep School teacher said he was the dumbest student he ever had. Trump is a puppet and stooge for much smarter people in his circle of advisors.

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Thanks for a great overview and interesting history on the Greenland meme and Caspian oil. A polar projection map will show that Greenland wins the prize for having northern latitude and there may possibly be the last repository of human fishing villages in the not too distant future: https://www.collapse2050.com/why-the-u-s-is-threatening-greenland-and-canada/ Or for a semi-artistic, whimsical view of the coming "Tropical Canadian Arctic": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPo0jvGFbM0&list=PLbWpDTnD4gFrabtohU7ZXwHbf7gndHH3D

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The ultimate strategic objective is Antarctica. The top of Mount Erebus should remain cold enough in every conceivable scenario.

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Someone who has done the math on the energy issue, "Gail the actuary" frequently posts articles on the oil & gas issue at https://ourfiniteworld.com

Contrary to popular belief, she argues that when the price of oil and gas becomes too low for producers, production will be stopped. AFAIK the entire globe has been ransacked but without finding anything to continue BAU. Even the Canary Islands were suspected to have large offshore reserves and of course those "smart" guys from the US were involved:


From a military perspective the assimilation of Greenland is useful but the island already has a US military base so official assimilation by Trump is no more than PR for the uninformed.

When the Panama Canal would be confiscated, there's not only the risk that Nicaragua gets its long desired canal, but it will also get Chinese protection with 6th generation fighter planes (and more) the US doesn't even have on the drawing board despite having the world's largest WMD budget.

Probably the worst contribution will come from Africom, recolonizing Africa and already causing enormous pollution with global impact. The site shows that well and also the disturbance of the trade winds and how that affects the ITCZ (dark blue zones near equator).


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good article:

My only beef (and it is just trivial nit picking) is the map you show.


Just to give an idea of the true scale instead of the mercator projection

Other than that, really, it is just history playing out. Seward's folly is still being figured out, this is just another one of those chips in the big poker game.

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The grab for Greenland likely has as much to do with raising the US footprint in the Arctic as it does with resources, since it seems that the Arctic is destined to become a major sea route. Right now, the skimpy US piece of Arctic is limited to the Alaskan coastline.

As you point out in the Caspian article, not all “reserves” are equal. The Caspian reserves are among those with high extraction costs. Perhaps if quoted figures for reserves included a downward adjustment that reflects the cost of extraction in “barrels of oil equivalent” they would be a tad more realistic.

It is interesting to see the way in which narratives grow more exaggerated when politicians start saying the quiet parts out loud. Ukraine is a good example. Supposedly it started out as a way to weaken Russia, as the 2019 RAND report proposed. Later, when public support for further funding started flagging, we started hearing talk about: 1) What a bargain it was that we could kill Russians without losing a single US solder, 2) How many jobs would be created in the defense industry by the increased demand for weapons, 3) The acquisition of the best black-earth farmland in the world by Western corporations, and finally 4) The trillions in mineral wealth we could gain control of. (And I may have even forgotten a few others!) One by one, the numbers behind each of these points became more and more exaggerated as the anxiety over slipping public support worsened.

Ironically, by the time they actually get around to pulling those resources out of the ground, they may very well be worth $26 trillion, not necessarily because there is so much, but because the dollar will likely be worth so little.

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Dividing control of the Arctic "cleanly" between the US+underlings and Russia could be a basis for doing business...

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