Perhaps you give more credit to DJT about self-awareness of his method than is actual. He could simply be on auto-pilot, doing what he has always done: bully people.

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Right. I used the term "understands," but I meant that if a bully became president of the United States it means that a bully was expected to become president of the United State. Let me retouch the text to clarify.....

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As a citizen and former resident of the empire I would mostly agree with your assessment. I learned during the 1960s that US democracy was largely a sham and watched as corporate power and it's wondrous products of war took ever more control. What those oligarchs knew was that the plebians needed to receive a share of the tribute. However, Caesar Trump- far from replacing or controlling those oligarchs and their corruption- has embraced them and demands a cut of the largesse. He is removing the bread from the "bread and circuses" , but you might notice that the exercitus and classis remain fully funded. I personally hope for an "et tu Brute" moment sooner than later and that a Cicero will totter back onto the Senate floor.

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Yes, in 500 or 1000 years maybe the "Donald of the Great America" would be king from the Great Lakes area to the (much closer than nowadays) Gulf of the same name.


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We may not have 50 years, let alone 500. What do think the ever-accelerating global temperature rise will do to agricultural output as 8.2 billion try to survive? The solar heat imbalance is not going anywhere and there is no plan to remove the 40 gigatons of CO2 put in the atmosphere just in the last 12 months (emissions also still increasing).

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Things move much faster today, indeed.

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is it possible we collapse this year or the next year i know you can nit forecast it exactly when but is there a chance ?

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Depends on what you call "collapse"...

There might be some decisive event that will trigger an economic collapse. Or even a nuclear apocalypse.

But we might be already slowly collapsing while the full process might take an other 200 or 300 years until climate and sea level find a new equilibrium.

For exemple, if the population decrease by a steady 2% a year on average, it's only 100 years before there are only 1 billions humans left on the planet. This is collapse.

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I'm no saying that there won't be some serious issues in the next decades. Far from that. But it might not be a total and complete collapse either.

So hopefully, some kind of recovery might follow in some distant future. And leaders might look for some legitimacy claiming titles from our half-remembered present.

(granted, they might not)

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Hello Ugo. Rather than Ceasar, i suggest comparing the us PINO (president in name only ) to another of your more famous countrymen... Mussolini.

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Not so sure that it is an emperor, he is walking more as a senator.

Cesar needed to show off with Roman senate because they were the oligarch and moneylenders who paid his adventure in Gallia, a success case of startup gone big! He had few choices, one to give away all the wealth to lender, other to cope the Romans against them, so clear the strange arrangement was that the first emperor was of another Gens... Gens Julia was not elite enough!

USA are by design an elective monarchy, modeled on the Germanic system of "great electors", the republican aspect was ingrained later during the American Civil War with the addiction of democratic aspects. Trump is a last emperor more than a first, it is governing a fall not a rise.

If we look at him as a "last" it is more simple to understand what he will be forced to do, consolidate the power at the core of ruling elites (financial and "big corp") creating a more feudal system of interactions and beginning a hard push to gather resources expending power: his acts today are a continuous push to "get money back" from alleys and dismantle the expense of the standing armies on the far provinces, any resource is driven to a selected court of second line of nobles and not to the plebs because is needed to fortify the new castles as an insurance to a stable line of rulers.

Side note can be that some could look at a peculiar quirk of the USA version of Christianity, the sects that want to bring on the return of the Jewish to Jerusalem and the reopening of the temple to force the Apocalypse and the consequent salvation. Usually it's also because of the Rapture (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapture) in the mind of this people is something that will be granted to them as reward for their "work".

Trump could or could be not one of this sect, sure thing is that Republicans have a lot of exponents embedded both in the ruling elite and in the base…

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Not too bad, Ugo. The problem others will have with this is they don't understand the American system of powerful Executive (historic) because they haven't seen it exercised, and their view of America is so stilted on how things work. I have to admit, I've learned a few things recently as well re: NGOs and siphoning money!

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