>Historical instances of “Graduated Reciprocation in Tension Reduction” (GRIT), such as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev’s unilateral nuclear concessions in the late 1980s, which resonated with U.S. President Ronald Reagan, underscore the efficacy of such diplomatic strategies

Efficacy? Their country collapsed.

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I suspect that most reasonable people would agree with the sentiment of a "peace offensive" to displace the incessant war mongering, but how exactly do you expect this offensive to begin? Politicians have clearly shown that the agenda they are following has nothing to do with the well being of the citizens, so it is unreasonable to anticipate that they will experience some sort of epiphany soon and will work toward your miracle. As far as the United Nations goes, they have always and continue to preach peace and safety through the removal of our individual liberties. Have a close read through the UN Agenda 2030 initiative if you would like to get a sense of how they promote absurd Utopian goals to address the fictitious climate emergency by subjugating the people of all nations. Want to stop wars? Take every politician who has supported a war and force them into a front line infantry unit. The conflict will end quicker than you can spit.

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Your post made me add a comment to Donato's article. A sentence from MacKay's book "Extraordinary Popular Delusions" -- He correctly says that people go mad in herds, and then recovery their sanity one by one. It may be happening. MacKay was proposing the concept about witch-hunting in the 17th and 18th centuries. It seemed unstoppable: everyone agreed that killing witches was necessary and unavoidable. And plenty of people made money on the hunts. It was the same as today's wars. Yet, people recovered their senses one by one, and witch hunting stopped.

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I am honored by your response. Mille grazie. The herd mentality instinct is well documented and can be quite strong in most folks and it is horrifying to observe how the masses can be steered in terrible directions by those who seek to manipulate them. I would be interested in whether MacKay has any thoughts regarding why certain people recovered their senses and whether there are qualities that these people possess that might be cultivated in others, so that we might hope to escape the seemingly endless cycle of recurring witch hunt-style societal madness. Although social cohesion can be a wonderfully positive phenomenon, like any good thing, too much of it can turn potentially toxic.

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looks like gaussian curve

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More exactly, the derivative of a logistic curve, aka the Hubbert curve.

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Witch hunt. Start: 1324, Ireland End:1782, Switzerland.

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