That was funny, Netanyahu as a Nazgul!

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Yea, Yahoo really needs to meet a Balrog.

Let's hope Harris continues to benefit from rolls in her favour, like Vance trying to cast the "n*gger" spell or the "c*nt" spell, or even the relatively minor "c*mmunist" spell, all of which I'm sure are in his deck of cards.

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Jul 26Liked by Ugo Bardi

After trying to compare nowadays characters with some ancien Romans ones, this is certainly a more playful way of looking at things :))

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As D&D master, I assure that also the all might is not omnipotent.... governing a table is making the players going thought challenges and feeling the lingering death to let them be the heroes that challenge the Goliath and against any odds (or more likely feeling like that) win, rule of the master is entertaining and play alongside player else also the all might is doomed because "no players, no GM"!

Today globally, players are retiring, no children, a wildfire of resignations (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Resignation), peoples living "laying flat" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_ping) and similar. Bad GMs and their usual work, a story made to make their protégée look cool in a fancy but shallow world more akin to a papier-mâché set of a film, entertaining story are the big story of struggling and renascence of people that accept the burden of the sacrifice.

We have fake heroes made for the movies that curb stomp their adversaries, literature have different approach, the hero is often less than willing (in Bible too…) but is compelled by a feeling of some greater good or compelling necessity that is against his best interest often asking the ultimate sacrifice... sacrificing him selves!

We are the society of the ego and self-interest, going for a fast gain also at the expense of other (ant to someone worse to other is a bonus) all wrapped in a kind of "altruistic patina" to mask the rotten under some virtue signaling. The feeling is that of a composed corpse exposed for visitors, perfect and serene on the surface but oozing and still trying to decompose inside, preserved by a stillness made of formaldehyde that is postponing the inevitable.

We pose as if there is something like a hero under the limelight, and he can do anything useful, but we are looking at a set and the monster is just some special effect, if we see a movie we know that no Balrog or Vampire will be stalking outside even if the paladin is not here to kill them but fall to propaganda that is in this essence just the same storytelling. Out of the spotlight the hero, in his private, is just an actor with their human limits, fears, defects and goals, usually a bit worse because the acting role linger in their mind leaving a feeling of, in their deep, being a bit the mighty character for whom their lend their semblance.

The all might GM of this world is what made the rules that don't need enforcement, we study them and use them as the laws of nature, but we still know so little about them that we are almost puppets, the feeling of being impotent in front of a carpet of stars in the night is a good starting point to understand the world: too big, too powerful and to magnificent compared to a single human being and as a multitude still we are less than a spec of dust around one of the infinite lights in the night but still infinitely valuable because all exist, existed and will exist to make our singular existence possible and this is true for any past, future and present existence, impossible to conceive and design for us, but we have a great storyteller that is also our GM.

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