Unfortunately, this is not science fiction. It is the near future. Thus, I'm collapse accepting.

The situation in Gaza is also part of this. Murdering innocent people corralled in an area with no escape, and bombing them day after day for almost a year is part of the dystopian present. BTW, they are already starving in Gaza. We will be remembered for Gaza, if there are any libraries left in 100 years.

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Fiction. In reality it will be a lot worse than this for most people, and there will be a lot more violence. It will be a blessing to die in your GMO saturated sleep rather than be fileted by a hungry, well-armed, foreign mob who has transitioned from cats and dogs and city park ducks to human flesh. And they will filet you after they rape your wife and daughters in front of you.

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This is already happening in Palestine and Gaza. Just saying.

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There is a reason why I wrote this story, indeed.

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Nice story. Seems realistic to me.

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Insightful story of a future that might not be too far off.

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A visionary story. (As others have commented, this is not science fiction.) The only thing you forgot is the bugs we'll also be eating.

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Extermination is easy if you have total social control, cumulative poisons exist and could be dosed to people to trim their lives to a calculated deadline: arsenic or dioxins tend to procure a fair constant and predictable effect on health at low dosage, managing daily income you can tailor the point of initial breakdown on organic function s to a fair predictable window, good because selecting the right foods poor or unwanted can be wearing out faster than other and die from "natural" effects.

Famine is the first and most powerful of the horsemen, but we must remember that the first one is the white one who is difficult to identify: "Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war" (Revelation 19:11-16), I personally see it as advice that when come an all might, even a rightful one, begin the cycle of the horsemen. "Might make right" is so deep in human that is the solution of all issues if you have it but works only between humans, reality come after to settle things, our dystopian prophecies usually didn't come true because reality kick in faster and the all might is no more before total collapse...

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I appreciate the effort that went into this, but it seems rather homogenous.

What has happened to the people self-sustaining far from civilization? The ecovillages? The native people?

And what about the nut case "freedom" movement people? They can resist vaccines and storm the Capital, but they somehow just gave up the fight?

Even Russia and Nazi Germany were not successful in totally eliminating their outliers.

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That's right, but this is a short piece of fiction -- so it has to be focused on a certain viewpoint. Then, there are many viewpoints, but you will be able to read about that in my upcoming book "The Age of Exterminations" (not for the faint hearted!)

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It’s not that different from ww2 war socialism America had.

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I feel like the clock struck 13 at some point during that story.

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There is an excellent solution for food problem in the West. Chinese will be more than happy to let you mail order it from Ali Express.

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Baphomet would be pleased with the ending.

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Yes, this is how it could be. Great story.

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