The problem with 'green' is there is no such thing... any level of civilization can never be environmentally friendly or sustainable.

EVs are NOT green

Windmills are NOT green

Solar panels are NOT green

Eco villages are NOT green e.g. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/fast-eddy-tours-delusistan

Having children is NOT green

Living in a modern house is NOT green

I could go on ... but suffice to say ... this movement was always bound to fail... because it is utterly ridiculous

Now I am waiting on the same thing to happen to the Vaxxers... the biggest idiots on the planet

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I would have thought one of the worlds most nihilistic misanthropes like you would be happy to know runaway climate change and the other Overshoot predicaments are going to result in a human die-back {99%>} or die off before this century is out. The damage is in the pipeline and the humans pile on by the day which will bring the pain on even faster and harsher than we see today (record disaster too numerous to list now) and result in even more climate migrants. A down under creature such as yourself does not see the increasing number of climate migrants like N Americans and Euro's do. The US has been so thrashed by global warming Jacked disasters that they have loads and loads of native climate migrants. A number were home owners before the disaster that destroyed their homes and they no longer could afford the sky rocketing premiums or insurance was no longer for sale in their area at any price, due to insurance companies unwillingness to take anymore climate change losses. Has it started on your island yet?? Just a matter of time. They may possibly sell insurance, but not including from wildfire due to the increasing number of lost homes and too many wildfire payouts because in places that were already dry they are now tinder dry along with many regions that never were. All it takes is one tiny spark and POOF!!! We now see entire towns burning down and tens of thousands of people needing to be evacuated at a moments notice. When you hear the siren call, don't duck and cover or you'll get burned up under the desk.

This here explains how runaway climate change will fulfill your hater wish of seeing all the humans die. It's what you say you want to see on your own blog. How lovely that the internet lets you share your thoughts with the world eh.


*Hansen’s Latest: 10 Degrees C (18 F) Warming in the Pipeline*

" With magical zero emissions tomorrow, equilibrium warming in the pipeline is now 10 degrees C (18 F) in several centuries and 6 to 7 C (11 to 13 F) in 100 years.

10 Degrees C Equilibrium Warming"

What Hansen’s team tells us in “Global Warming in the Pipeline” is that evaluation of evidence from prehistory shows current modeling of equilibrium warming is understated. Equilibrium warming, or warming in the pipeline, is the ultimate temperature of Earth when our ocean and terrestrial systems come into balance with the excess greenhouse gases in our atmosphere today — with no further emissions. Even more simply put, we have emitted so many greenhouse gases so much faster than they are emitted naturally, that our oceans, soils and forests are way behind in absorbing the excess and it will take them centuries to catch up.


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Ugo, your essays are always insightful and thought-provoking! I especially liked to read that two ideological camps could co-exist in Italy without coming to blows (yet). Your phase "accepted rules of cohabitation" sticks in my mind as it resonates with the US campaign against "Intolerance" (name of an early movie before they became talkies a century ago. So in the end Nature Bats Last as it appears memes have prevented early action that would have avoided an ever-warming planet with which we are stuck with whether one believes it or not.

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Thanks for an interesting post.

One aspect of science that is not a meme is thermodynamics. If the topic of Renewable Energy does catch on, it will run into the First Law (energy simply exists ― it cannot be saved or renewed), and the Second Law (every time we change energy from one form to another there is an overall increase in entropy).

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That law, unfortunately, doesn't hold in politics!

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Some years ago I had colleagues who were experts on nuclear energy. At that time we heard about the ‘breakthrough’ in cold fusion. My colleagues were intrigued, but puzzled. It seemed as if this new technology was violating the laws of thermodynamics.

Evidently it was.

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That's the big and real problem, politics don't like physics, thermodynamic and science in general and ignore absolutly the Gaia's and the holobionts concepts. ... And they unknow the 'Limits to Growth' report.

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I'm a retired psychiatrist, so, for me, it's all about sanity and insanity. Mother Nature is the touchstone for sanity and sane world view, while the "built" world is disconnected from the sane natural world. I remember when my HS World History teacher, Mr. Johnson, explained that the true meaning of the word "communism" referred to folks living in small communal groups, but that it had become perverted to the current political International Communism". Later, I lived in a commune of grad students outside Madison, WI, in 1973-'74. Prophetic bloggers are highlighting the off grid lifeways of small communal groups who will likely be the only survivors of the coming Apocalypse of climate collapse. We are 3,000 more numerous today in our urban/suburban transient existences than were our migratory Hunter-Gatherer ancestors and remote indigenous contemporaries, living in their small clan/bands and living sustainably off the land. Politics bore the piss out of me. I'll stick with the realities defined by Mother Earth.

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Hi Ugo, to complement your observations: In Switzerland the report of the Club of Rome led to the foundation of Green movements and in the eighties of a Green party. The founding members were mostly very bourgeois, liberal-conservative, and scientifically minded and preferring market instruments over regulation. The basic idea was to tax energy instead of labor, e.g. to finance old age pensions with an energy tax, to subsidize the isolation of buildings with an energy tax, or to pay the accident insurance with a tax on gasoline. The overall effect would have been to make energy more expensive and thereby reduce its consumption for heating and mobility. Otherwise freedom and disposable income of the population would not have diminished. These approaches were of course blocked by the powers that be.

Then came the breakdown of the Sovjet Union. All the former communists became homeless and flocked to us, bringing with them the dictatorship of the proletariat which morphed seamlessly into the dictatorship of ecology, the basic philosophy being that humanity has to be forced into its happiness, as you described. As a liberal and founding member of the Greens I felt very unwell ever since.

Meanwhile we have to realise that the cause is lost. 1,5 degrees was an illusion, global warming will go on even if we are going to net-zero tomorrow (which we will not). This means that anybody pretending to have Green solutions is an impostor or charlatan, you can chose the term.

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dear lukas fierz the cause from 1.5 celsius is not lost professor johan rockstrom warned us we will by a couple of decades above 1.5 degrees celsius we can still return to 1.5 degrees celsius according to sandrine dixson decleve an earth4all is still possible by 2030 she did just post in on her x account and her linkedin account but it is the decisive decade gaya herrington agrees 👍

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As long as faithhealers keep their faith we will remain safe...

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I suppose it comes back to the contemporary difference between predicament and problem at the peak of the 'carbon pulse'. I see people looking for explanations and ways out; trying to adapt religions and 'telos' for example. Europe seems more of a mess at the moment by the look of it. Partly rational attempts to tow the majority of the British Isles away to somewhere else are not reflected here in more rational national discussion. We latch on to the 'next big thing' after 'tech' and globalisation', while health & prosperity decline yet again unequally. The future comes so fast, words lose meaning.

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Nowadays, some environmentalists (and not only in the US) are even becoming green outside and green inside.

And by once again exacerbating political divisions and antagonisms over issues that have nothing to do with ecology, they will only undermine the very issues they are supposed to be defending, and thus hasten their downfall.


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Thanks Ugo. I have "renewable energy", but I have to keep eating and sleeping.

As to Communists and Environmentalists having similar group characteristics, this made me think of the Political Compass Test https://www.politicalcompass.org/

There are 2 designation categories: Left/Right and Libertarian/Authoritarian.

That's pretty simple, and it is somewhat revealing. I suspect that you and I are in the same quadrant, but I won't presume, or tell you where I test out.

Like so many other people these days, I'm "not Hitler". ;-)

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Sure thing Ugo. Look how the all powerful environmental-monsters oppressed all those fossil fuel users last year.


*2023 Set Records in Global Fossil Fuel Use and Carbon Dioxide Emissions*

"In 2023, the world consumed more oil, coal and natural gas than any time in history, according to the Energy Institute’s “Statistical Review of World Energy.”


Hey Ugo, perhaps you can lead a rebellion so those poor oppressed masses can get back to the level of fossil fuel use/consumption/shopping/ they are both used to and entitled to. Poor things.

Ugo, perhaps you have some data demonstrating just how many things westerners have not been able to consume or do because of the all mighty environmentalists.

See, the thing is, I have successfully argued the other way for years and no one has been able to supply any meaningful data to back their claims of oppression. I say the environmental movement has been the biggest failure out of every social movement there has been. At most it's some sniveling about how environmentalists ruined their weekend fishing trip all in the name of saving a near extinct species of smelt, indigenous to the river they like to fish, thus forcing them to drive their truck and camper (12,000lbs) an extra 50 miles to a different river - THE HORROR!

The monsters have also been known to temporarily save the odd stand of old growth forest (some of the stuff they saved in BC in the 1980's has now been clear cut) and reroute a pipeline or two away from some folks drinking water source or away from an angry ranchers spread. If there's oil found on his property even if it can only be extracted via hydraulic fracturing, all of the sudden it's FU to the environmentalists that were helping save his ranch from an inevitable pipeline spill someday.

Ugo, like Americans, I think you have confused finger wagging and ceaseless moralizing with power. If you harken back to the early days of environmentalism, Overpopulation was near the top of their mandates list, now they won't go within a 1000 fuckin miles of it.

Environmentalism said: less kids, less travel, less pesticides, less herbicides, less plastics, less/no meat (it's murder), less/no fossil fuels, less deforestation, kinder and less commercial fishing, less pollution in all it's forms, etc. So pray tell Ugo, how many of those things and any I forget did the environmental movement force upon the masses? None, ZERO, zippo zilch. Why not? Because they have no real power - all talk. I like to use Earth Day #1 1970 as the official beginning of big environmentalism (USA). LGBT whatever movent began around then too and unlike environmentalism, they actual met and exceeded almost all their goals. Oh those poor American conservatives - it's like a nightmare come true for them, both Gay marriage and Runaway climate change have come to pass. Today, LBGTQ... protesters have a free regin, but there are planty of environmentalists in prison and the laws against environmental protests is becoming more draconian in many western nations Not because they are stopping anything other than traffic for a couple of hours, but because they are right and TPTB and masses do not like to be reminded of the record smashing global warming jacked disasters the last 20 years and the plastic pollution and forever chemicals that are shrinking penises and making men infertile and are now in almost every part of every humans organ, including our brains and up on the highest mountains and the lowest depths of the ocean. One must be asleep at the wheel or have an agenda to try and convince anyone environmentalists have had their way.


*How plastic pollution influences reproductive health and the health of future generations*

"In a recent article for Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), Akif Görgülü, HCWH Europe Chemicals & Plastics Policy Coordinator, delves into alarming research on the presence of microplastics in human testicular tissue, highlighting potential risks to reproductive health. This finding adds to growing concerns about plastic pollution and its impact on human and environmental health.

Plastics, particularly PVC, often contain chemical additives that leach into the environment and human bodies, posing serious health risks. Of particular concern are endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) like bisphenols, phthalates, and styrene, commonly used in various plastics. These additives have been linked to reproductive health issues such as reduced sperm count and quality, menstrual irregularities, pregnancy complications, and overall fertility decline. With these harmful chemicals prevalent in everyday plastic products, the cumulative effects of long-term exposure are substantial, highlighting the urgent need for stricter regulations on plastic production and chemical additives.

This is not the first time microplastics have been identified in the human reproductive system. A prior study detected microplastics in seminal fluid, with polystyrene (PS) particles being the most common. These particles were found alongside abnormal sperm cells, raising alarms about potential reproductive damage. Animal studies have reinforced these concerns; research on mice has shown that exposure to microplastics can impair the blood testis barrier, leading to reduced sperm production, higher rates of abnormal sperm, and diminished sperm activity."



*Hansen’s Latest: 10 Degrees C (18 F) Warming in the Pipeline*

" With magical zero emissions tomorrow, equilibrium warming in the pipeline is now 10 degrees C (18 F) in several centuries and 6 to 7 C (11 to 13 F) in 100 years.

10 Degrees C Equilibrium Warming"

What Hansen’s team tells us in “Global Warming in the Pipeline” is that evaluation of evidence from prehistory shows current modeling of equilibrium warming is understated. Equilibrium warming, or warming in the pipeline, is the ultimate temperature of Earth when our ocean and terrestrial systems come into balance with the excess greenhouse gases in our atmosphere today — with no further emissions. Even more simply put, we have emitted so many greenhouse gases so much faster than they are emitted naturally, that our oceans, soils and forests are way behind in absorbing the excess and it will take them centuries to catch up.



Hansen's paper is from 2023 and a few US mainstream climate modellers poo pooed it. Well here we are today and they are duh.

*Climate Models Can’t Explain What’s Happening to Earth

Global warming is moving faster than the best models can keep a handle on*

"Fifty years into the project of modeling Earth’s future climate, we still don’t really know what’s coming. Some places are warming with more ferocity than expected. Extreme events are taking scientists by surprise. Right now, as the bald reality of climate change bears down on human life, scientists are seeing more clearly the limits of our ability to predict the exact future we face. The coming decades may be far worse, and far weirder, than the best models anticipated."


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What happens when renewable energy can supply only 20% of ever increasing energy demand?

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It is what's happening to Germany and Italy. The economy contracts to reduce the demand. People are not happy and blame the Greens.

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Interesting post. I will resist the urge to weigh in on environmentalism or climate change, since that isn't really the core topic of your blog post. But regarding the erosion of the popularity of the TERM 'environmentalism' likely has much to do with the public perception of the integrity surrounding the use of the term. If you read often enough about 'greenwashing' and see constant examples of it, eventually many will eventually come to view the entire discussion as just another scheme or mechanism for the upward transfer of wealth. See this often enough, as we have most recently with the 'Covid' meme, and you become convinced that it is embedded in every meme that is sold via coercion and narrative control rather than pure persuasion.

It is quite possible that we may start seeing this with the term 'renewable energy' as well, once energy shortages start to become more common and more obvious. Likely there are many in Germany (for example) who already feel like their country's embrace of renewable energy got too far over its skis when it shut down so much of its former energy infrastructure, including some fully-functional nuclear plants, before the alternatives were all solidly in place.

PS: Your recent book "Exterminations" was an excellent read, and I can highly recommend it to your followers.

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Thanks for the praise, Bill. About your comment, yes, there are evident contact points with the "Covid" meme. Unfortunately, it is not just the "Environmentalism" TERM that's blamed, but the very concepts that form it. Plenty of intelligent people have been burned so badly by the Covid scam that they now disbelieve every and any thing that Science says. Just take a look at any discussion on the Moon landing and you'll see how depressing it can get.

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I'm agree and disagree 50/50 more or less with de discussion terms. Undoubtly all that poited by Fast Eddy can not be "green" because we know that ... "the world could satisfy all basical human (or savannah monkeys) needs, but no all his ambitions". So, we urgently must take the way of an intelligent degrowth ASAP because the Earth goes up accellerating to the next +2°C barrier.

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Here in Panama the situation is different than that in EU/USA. The country already is carbon-negative, not because of the verbal green hoopla but because people are aware of the relation between food and environment. So whatever political party, a president here will be seen planting trees, as an example.


With Christianity it's similar, nobody believes in issues violating the laws of physics but are aware of feeling better when "not giving in to 'me 1st'" aka egoism (also the "glue" for compulsive buying, stuff you don't need, with money you don't have). So I have no problem explaining that science still has to find out that in the process of dying, the "excuse factory of violating conscience" dies 1st, leaving those violations then as "personal experience" aka "done to me".

Just over the border (Costa Rica) there's a supermarket (Christian owner) where stray animals are fed and are treated when diseased. He hopes a client will take the animal home. Having developed the art of befriending birds I could win the trust of many abused dogs which again is a unifying element instead of a divisive one.

It might be a genetic issue indeed, the population of Central America has the highest % of indigenous genes in Latin America (least European).

BTW befriending birds also resulted in observations like "interspecific courting" by carrier pigeons / rock doves, a behavior not supposed to happen.


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