Again thanks for an enlightening article. You compare bureaucracy to pollution or entropy. Since we are dealing with structures built from living organisms (society, bureaucracy), as a physician I would compare the situation with a symbiosis or a relation of host and tumour or host and parasite. There were always bureaucrats who were true servants to the state, but bureaucracy has its own dynamics as described in Parkinsons law, growing on its own terms without any benefit for the host, like a parasaite or a tumor.

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The photo of Mr. Musk brandishing the chainsaw is a good reminder for the oligarchs to make sure they at least read the chainsaw safety manual (assuming it comes with one) before swinging the power tool over their head, less they accidently cut off some body part they might need at a later date, or cut some innocent bystander in half who they one day might need a hand from (at least a hand that still works). There are other tips I learned in my own safety training on the proper use of chainsaws I could share, but I suppose the head of USDOGE is above such basic training requirements. Also on a side note curious when the tech guru will come up with a "clean, green" electric version of the saw, and what his use of the gas powered Argentinian gifted version says about Musk's confidence in electric American-made smart technology futures. And the laws of entropy might predict that the head closest to the swinging chainsaw is likely to be the first to fall, but then maybe I misunderstood my old physics lessons. I personally like my old fashioned hand/muscle powered saw for use in cutting my firewood. It takes some more effort to cut the wood, but I don't have to worry about losing needed body parts, or injuring bystanders, if I lose control of the saw, but I guess to each his own in the land of the free and home of the brave.

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DOGE and it's AI has apparently eliminated those engaged in investigating approximately 30 labour/environmental violations by Musk led organizations. Probably just coincidence. I know everyone is supposed to despise the evil and corrupt bureaucrats, but somehow I trust having NOAA keeping an eye on hurricanes and the CDC monitoring pandemics more than I trust billionaires to do anything. I think about a quote from GK Chesterton "The poor sometimes object to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all".If you want to understand the attack on government by Trump and Musk that statement by Chesterton might be a good place to begin.

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