I am the way, the truth, and the life.
Guest post by Gregoire Quartier
I still find it funny to think that we now have proof that we have been lied to about Covid, about Ukraine, about Libya, about NordStream, about our own values, about democracy, censored on social media, and yet that we have to think climate change is something that is absolutely true and that we should definitely not doubt.
I have my doubts when proven liars give me speeches that they don’t put into practice. into practice.
I'm not saying that the climate isn't changing.
I'm saying that what you're being told about the changing climate isn't necessarily true, and that the solutions to climate change, in addition to being new industries, don't solve anything at all.
At a certain point, you have to ask yourself the following question:
Should I do everything I can to avoid something that nobody is trying to avoid?
Should I feel guilty for not doing anything?
Should I let other people call me guilty when they earn more money than I do, and therefore pollute more through their income?
Living in sadness is not a virtue.
To play the victim of other people's actions is above all to admit that you are dependent on them (and that you are doing nothing to avoid being so).
70% of the Swiss do not want their own country to respect planetary boundaries (or at least what is referred to as such).
That's fine with me. I'll do my thing, for myself. And so be it.
At best, I will have lived my experience of neo-rural hipster to the full, and it will have inspired people.
But I'm not going to cry because I can't convince anyone that if everyone doesn't do what I do, we're all going to die.
Spoiler alert: we're all going to die.
Gregoire Quartier
Je trouve quand même marrant de penser qu'on a maintenant les preuves qu'on nous a menti sur le Covid, sur l'Ukraine, sur la Lybie, sur NordStream, sur nos propres valeurs, sur la démocratie, censuré sur les RS, et qu'on pense que le climat, c'est qqchose qui est absolument vrai et qu'il ne faut surtout pas douter.
Moi je doute, quand des menteurs patentés me tiennent des discours dont ils ne mettent absolument rien en pratique.
Je dis pas que le climat ne change pas.
Je dis que ce qu'on vous dit du climat qui change n'est pas forcément vrai, et que les solutions au changement climatique, en plus d'être de nouvelles industries, ne résolvent rien du tout.
A un moment donné il faut se poser la question suivante :
Dois-je tout faire pour qu'on évite une chose que personne ne cherche à éviter?
Dois-je me sentir coupable de ne rien faire?
Dois-je laisser d'autres gens me traiter de coupable alors qu'ils gagnent plus d'argent que moi, et donc polluent plus par leur revenu?
Vivre dans la tristesse n'est pas une vertu.
Se victimiser des actions des autres, c'est surtout admettre qu'on en est dépendant (et qu'on ne fait rien pour ne pas l'être).
70% des Suisse ne veulent pas que leur propre pays respecte les limites planétaires (ou du moins ce qu'on nomme comme tel).
Pour moi c'est bon. Je fais mon truc, pour moi. Et tant pis.
Au mieux j'aurai bien vécu mes expérience de bobo neo-rural, et ca aura inspiré des gens.
Mais je vais pas pleurer parce que je n'arrive pas à convaincre que si tout le monde ne fait pas ce que je fais, on va tous mourir.
Spoiler : on va tous mourir.
A comment received from Ian Sutton -- he had problems in posting it; so I am doing that for him.
This post is more about types of response than about the nature of truth.
The author asks, ‘Should I do everything I can to avoid something that nobody is trying to avoid?’
When faced with the multiple thermodynamic crises of our time (of which climate change is just one) do we respond by trying to change high-level policy, or do we focus on our own lives and on our local community? Should our response be macro or micro? For example, am I wasting my time walking to the store rather than driving when the governments of India and China are building large numbers of coal-fired power plants? Am I wasting my time growing vegetables in the back yard when major oil companies have pivoted away from their alternative energy programs?’
Regarding the truth of climate change. I live in central Virginia (USA). The official first and last frost dates are October 31st and April 9th. This year our first frost took place in the last week of November, and our last frost was probably the final week of February. That’s all I need to know about the truth of climate change ― I see it while gardening. The frost season is two months shorter than ‘it should be’.
All the best,
Ian Sutton
I don't see that we've been lied to. I see it that we haven't asked for the truth. Therefore, we have been told whatever will make us worry less or put the blame on someone else. When I say "we" I mean the general population. The conversation between those who study these issues is a different world.