Nice one Ugo! Iterations in parallel abound as life bootstraps its way through time under the sun. I once had the temerity to look for the rock outcrop overlooking the gates of a small Etruscan town in Umbria where the ancient texts said the man stood to interpret the omens. I met my first and only Hoopoe up close on the trace of a path and from the vantage saw a Green Woodpecker speed from the town. My modern interpretation had to be exceedingly cautious.

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Once was said "give Cesar what belong to Caesar", science is about to know rules of nature and is quite precise predicting the results, using it we can engineer a lot of quite complex, almost magical, little and big things and quite complex too: a data center is an incredibly fractally complex systems spanning from nanometer scale (microprocessors) to quite big and the complexity of the building with all the services (power, wired data transfer, fire prevention, security etc.) is as hi as a core of one of the processors used. All we know how a complex engineered system can be unpredictable, IT services exist because there is always something that is not working properly, still are so predictables that we can trust them so much that we can affordably let our lives in their hands, when we take a plane, when we use a train, when we use electricity and a lot of what we consider "normal" in our lives.

Outside the engineered, all is quite more fuzzy and fluffy because we are trying to predict a complex system made of unknown systems. We can then add the problem of humans, we are complex systems biased by our previous states, and we ask for answers that are BOTH accurate almost as the ones we can give for engineered systems AND that are within the boundary of our bias (we can't accept answers outside the ones that we want)!

Oracles and similar are good because give us answers within our expected world and "gifting" gods is common place because in our experience corrupting powerful (human) beings is quite effective, the unexpressed argument to do it is reassuring us that the future is something not so frightening as a blank page or that we can steer it with something easy. Humans are not rational, we look for emotional answers first because in our experience usually are good enough!

Something I suppose really "rules" our reality, call it God if you like, but to us today is unknowable as is the human tending the ant in his spaceship by the little ant that is busy to bring back the crumble that "miraculously" appeared near her home.

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